Less than Lethal

James Madison University, Fall 2023

Problem Statement

On-site security personnel at US embassies in the Middle East region need a Less-Than-Lethal (LTL) security systems that can be used multiple times in a short period of time in order to prevent large groups of attackers from breaching the facility.


Problem Scoping and Discovery

The team conducted 42 discovery interviews and gained the following insights:

  • Since tear gas is the only available LTL system, it leaves Marines with few choices to respond to large crowds or attackers at different points of escalation.

  • The solution to this problem would ideally be location-agnostic and must be operable in a variety of climates, extreme weather conditions, and individual facility restrictions; STSs and SEOs would need to assess tank volume, flow rate, dispersal range, and dispersal duration on a case-by-case basis for each Embassy.


Solution Proposed

Their proposed solution is to replace compound one-time-use tear gas deployment systems with a multi-layered security system. This system includes a continuous-dispersal chemical deterrent and an acoustic deterrent system mounted at the chancery's front entrance.



The sponsor plans on presenting the students’ proposed solution to the Active Denial System section chief to propose a pilot.



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