Upcoming Events


Get notified about an upcoming Information Session.

Event Types

We currently host three types of events:

Information Session

Information Sessions are virtual or in-person 30-minute meetings that an interested DOS employee, DOS partner organization, or University can attend to learn more about H4Diplomacy and make a decision to engage. Insights include answers to:

  • What is H4Diplomacy?

  • How can you leverage the H4Diplomacy program to increase capacity?

  • What is required to be an H4Diplomacy problem sponsor?

Contact us to attend or host a future Information Session.

Problem Sourcing Seminar

The Problem Sourcing Seminar (PSS) is a fast-paced and active session for potential sponsors to ideate potential problems and challenges they face in their agency and decide which challenges to submit for H4Diplomacy. These seminars:

  • Provide participants with an overview of H4Diplomacy

  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of a sponsor

  • Ideate possible problems/challenges DOS employees could submit

  • Determine which problems/challenges should go through H4Diplomacy

Problem Sourcing Seminars can be in person or virtual and are usually done per request from DOS employees.

Contact us to set up a PSS for your team.

Educators Course

The Educators Course is for University professors where they will receive a comprehensive and immersive training to execute H4Diplomacy in their University campus. Educators Courses provide educators with an overview of Hacking for Diplomacy (H4Diplomacy), including:

  • Curriculum

  • Pedagogy

  • Tools

  • Community

Contact us to attend or host an Educators Course.


Find Out More

If you are interested in attending or hosting future events, please fill out the form below: