Longer Lifespan, Stronger Security

James Madison University, Fall 2023

Problem Statement

Security engineering officers and security technical specialists need a better way to determine the lifespans of explosive detection and X-ray equipment for over 2,000 worldwide units in order to reduce cost and increase time efficiency to fortify the physical security of U.S. embassies and consulates.


Problem Scoping and Discovery

The team conducted 50 discovery interviews and gained the following insights:

  • DSS does not have a streamlined method for predicting the lifespan of X-ray machine or explosive detection (EDP) itemizers. 

  • Current policies have not established protocols for data collection, maintenance or validation. Creating a consistent data management framework could inform a predictive machine learning algorithm capable of providing an estimated date of life cycling for equipment units. 


Solution Proposed

Students identified key short- and long-term life cycling policy changes and practices to submit as recommendations to sponsors. The short-term proposal includes the development of a SME and improved data management to inform a predictive algorithm while the long-term solution requires larger automation and utilizes more advanced capabilities soon available to DOS personnel as the Department transitions to updated X-ray machines.



The sponsor took the team’s recommendation and adjusted the Field Support Branch’s questionnaire for quarterly preventive maintenance of X-ray systems to collect data on x-ray on hours, generator on hours, and item counts. 



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