Locating Imminent Danger

Rochester Institute of Technology, Spring 2023

Problem Statement

On-site security personnel at U.S. Government overseas offices need a way to quickly identify the location of imminent danger when the emergency notification system is triggered in order to create an escape plan or diffuse the threat before it causes harm to human lives and property.


Problem Scoping and Discovery

The team conducted 50 unique discovery interviews with DSS security engineering officers, local law enforcement officials, and university professors and campus safety representatives. They learned that:

  • In order to effectively respond to threats, the emergency notification system must be able to accurately detect the location of the trigger within 20 feet and be able to visually display the location in less than 15 seconds

  • Relying on a singular network during times of emergency creates more vulnerabilities

  • Priority should be given to providing emergency notifications first, then the location can be identified


Solution Proposed

The team recommended implementing facility-mounted repeaters that use trilateration to quickly pinpoint the location of guards who activate the office's alarm system.



The team handed off their recommendation to their problem sponsor. The team’s sponsor noted that the students’ work from the semester was impressive, and that they would attempt to connect with the vendors that students recommended to see about developing a prototype.



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